Saturday, June 16, 2007

Music is good

I'm tired, nothing new. I drank my 14 cups of water today so I feel I am properly hydrated to start talking to my best friend. I think I'm going to assemble some sort of dinner and... No, actually, I think I'm going to relax on the front porch for a minute with my best friend before I go take a shower.
I did a lot of dirty work today and sweat a lot. I mostly packed the garage items and packed a few boxes in the office.
Claudio and Tham invited me to come over tomorrow for food. I told them, last night, that I was thinking on going to see my father-in-law. I just needed to check with him. I did and I fergitted that he is in the area of FL that I plan to be in soon. So, he is unavailable, which means I get to go see Claudio and Tham. I love going over there. They are very enjoyable people and they always make my belly happy.
Aw damn, it's Sat not Sunday. My best friend isn't going to make it through the weekend. I need to replenish him after I take a shower, before I start talking to him.
Ok, well, I guess I need to go take a shower and go to Wally World.
Listening to: Pale September, by Fiona Apple

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