Monday, June 11, 2007

Can't sleep

I can't seem to sleep. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with napping earlier. I came home from Claudio and Tham's at about 4:30 pm. I did a couple things and ate some of the leftover barbecue. I washed it down with one or two or a few refreshing beverages.

After I was full and slightly inebriated, I took a nap on the couch. I woke up and did the usual, started drinking water. After getting tired of the mindless crap on tv, I came into the office to read some of the more thoughtful items on Myspace. I do my share of reading/watching the mindless stuff on Myspace, but now I'm not in the mood.

I think the other reason I'm up this late is because the time is nigh. Not much time left before I plan to head down there. I'm beyond averse. I've accepted that it is the direction God would have me go. I am just ready to get it done. I feel like I'm in a holding pattern.

Listening to: Chase the Ace, by AC/DC

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