Saturday, October 25, 2008

Frickin wow!

The other day Annie pannie was sitting down and this is the best shot I could get before she got up. The horse-type creatures don't like to be stalked.
Last night, after we watched a movie, I shut of the 'stoopid box' so we could just talk and do something. We ended up on the floor with the magnetic sticks and balls. -Huh huh he said balls- They glow in the dark, so cool. Anyway, this guy developed into the alien guy with ears and antennae.
Then, I didn't fink he was complete so I hadta give him a body. Yeah, I know, frickin awesome.

Speaking of which, the frickin wow was that, as I was on my way up here to Starbucks, Rhianna called me from the Halloween party I'm planning to pick her up from in a bit, because they were about to watch a movie and she wanted to ask if it was ok to watch that one. Damn, I love her. I sure hope she stays so awesome and considerate.

Listening to: A good mix that Starbucks plays periodically, prolly timing, I'm usually here earlier in the day, it's evenin time now.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh yeah, gotta track life and this is a good one

Supm else I just thought of when I saw this picture, diesel is almost a dollar a gallon lower now, 3.59 at a place down the road a piece yonder.

That is not what I wanted to write, though. I don't remember the name of it, when I'm home later I'll get the name. Anyway, the drug the doctor gave me was not Effexor, as Emily recommended. It was some other weaker drug, that he said is a better drug to start with, and because of that the insurance peeps might not pay for Effexor without prior attempts at the lesser drugs. Well, the affect isn't expected to be noticed for a few weeks. However, I'm feeling much more alert today and have been since last night, actually, a few hours after taking the first dose. I determined last year that I recognized two kinds of tired, physical and psychological. They seem to affect each other quite a bit, though. Now, I am feeling more alert than I have in a while. I hope it continues to be a positive trend. We shall see, at day two, I hope so. I would really like to not have to opt for the stronger drugs.

Listening to: Come As You Are, by Nirvana.

visual thunks representations

Just my speed.
The best way to have a grey day.
Where I would like to be.

Grumble, grumble

This morning as I was leaving to go to the doctorman, I remembered I needed to air up that front tire. It was low. Hopefully, I dinnit run over something as I was cleaning out the shed and putting up that fence ovar. I will check when I get done writing and drinking my very rare decaf Starbucks coffee. The weather, as I was thinking in the shower this morning, is finally at that point when I actually like it down here ok. It still gets up to like frickin 85 later in the day, but now, in mid-October, there are actually cool hours. When I let the dogs out this morning and tried to retrieve the cat, who has developed quite the affinity for being outside, which wouldn’t be a concern at all, but she’s been declawed, I felt the awesome, finally-cool-for-a-frickin-second-in-the-fall/winter temperature, which made me refreshed and anxious to shower and get back outside.

I got to the doctor’s office plenty early, as I tend to be when I’m  by myself and not going to someone else’s appointments, -ahem, Emily, ahem- I came to see about drugs. When I was 16, that may have been a woohoo! comment, but not no mo. I hate drugs now. I don’t want to depend on any crutch-type drug for anything, if I can help it. I have been thankful that so far I have not had pain or any reason for dependence on drugs to maintain my daily activities. However, after three years, I am tired of being tired. I can do things like the gate pictured previously or the fence or cleaning out the shed (no small feat) or the dishes or laundry or moving furniture, etc., etc., but my weakness is stamina. I can’t go more than 20 or 30 minutes before needing to stop for hours to rest. It doesn’t really matter how much I do either, I’m still gonna be frickin wiped out.


Listening to: The usual crap music coming outta the Starbucks speakers.

Life is awesome even with the scary unknown

I sat on the tree swing the other day and reveled in the usual awesome spectacle that is the sky  and, now, the fact that the weather was once-a-year nice, well for a minute, at least. It still gets frickin way too hot in the middle of the day.

Still sitting, just looking around.

Our self-proclaimed redneck neighbor, Joel, shut his extra-obnoxious barking dog up in quite the comical way. He fired his black-powder .45 pistol near it. Damn, that’s a loud gun. That dog has been quiet, though, for days now. We were standing around bs’ing about how he did that with a noisy bulldog he had once  and how well it worked and he gots the idea to do it again.

Emily had an HOA (Home Owners Association) meeting with the pool camera/monitoring system peeps. So, I could think of worse things to do with my time than sitting around by the pool ovar. It’s so beautiful ovar by the pool, I miss going there in the cool, peaceful mornings and reading for a couple hours.


Listening to: the last seconds of sucky Starbucks music as I fitna be rollin’ up out dis m’ug, yo.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The kids and I went to Costco fer some items. I tried to get a good shot of them to no avail. I would have aksed them to look at me, but then they would have been too posed for my liking and Neriah’s posing would have involved some kind of extreme silly face and body pose. Most of the time I don’t mind those so much. I mean, they’re real life and I appreciate that. However, I was just feeling a bit more tranquil, prolly inspired by the awesome sky and the perfect weather.

I just keep taking pictures as I walk out the back door and I’m slapped in the face with the breathtaking view that is our backyard. I just keep taking them. It never seems to be diminished.

When Emily was up in KY visiting her parents, I went crazy and cleaned and did things. One of the things I did was clean off the deck and organize a bit. I tried putting this plant on the table to get it up out da flo. It has since moved back to a lesser vantage point back down to that corner over there. It’s just a bit too big to live on the table. Oh, a chance to pat myself on the back. That pink thing is one of the things I got Emily for our one-year anniversary, a pink Adirondack chair.

Rhianna is out in the front yard tending to the bunny. It has quite the nice new home under the shade tree out there. Emily is planning to make a chicken wire run out there so the bunny, and it’s new friend it just gotted yesterday, can have a lot more room.

I ain’t never seed a tan tree frog b’fore. It was really cool, very docile, too. Usually, they jump like crazy frogs to get away from the giant. This one just sat there and let me stroke it’s back. I don’t fink it was dyin neever. I saw another one, who may have been the same guy, but in my speciesist mind they all look the same, ya’ know, and it was just as docile.

Listening to: the ceiling fan and a whole lotta quiet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I think this loud, sucky music is going to drive me out

I went outside this morning to see if I could get the battery charged so I could borrow the lawnmower. I put the charger on it and decided to work on finishing what I had started in Emily's shed. On my way back, I noticed that Lee had gotten the body on his new creation, sweet. This thing was a frame when he started.
About a week ago, I found this AC/DC radio and have been stoked ever since when I take a drive. It's frickin awesome to hear all the rare items like Down Payment Blues or Whole Lotta Rosie. The very well-known ones like Highway To Hell or TNT or Dirty Deeds are also nice to hear, too. For me, it's kinda like peanut butter and ramen noodles, I never tire of it. Frickin 35 years and still going, still releasing albums, awesome.
I decided that since I hadsta go to the post office to pick up a parcel, I would go ahead and visit Starbucks and do some blogidging. My parcel was a stoopid that I dun did. I was drunk bidding on ebay. I got all excited and beat someone else, ha! The stoopid part is, and I have yet to know fer shur, it was an old Nintendo sold 'as is' because there was no power cable with it. Frickin dummass. The good thing is, I only paid like 13 bucks for it. It came with five games, too, so if it doesn't work well, it won't be a terrible loss. I just feel dumm for being impulsive, which leads to the thought I had when I was getn my scrub on, yo.

I have thought about it in pieces over the past couple years, but I think today it was a bit more of a definitive epiphany type thing. There are Emily thunks, but I haven't talked to her about them yet, so I won't include them here. What I decided, more realized, is that I won't be impulsive, I won't be driven by lust or fear or my damn feelers. Romantic feelings are nice and have a place, but not in the driver's seat. Now, of course, these are my intentions. I realize that I am a weak human and I don't expect to be without flaw. I do, however, have more faith in my abilities concerning self-control now that I have experienced the 'slowing down'. The thought of living on a sailboat has been subjugated to the deep recesses of my brainpan, however it continues to be revisited periodically as if to say it is still not a dead notion.

I have lost my train of thought. I think I have too many thunks and there are now too many people in here for me to maintain the same peaceful, undisturbed thought processes.

Listening to: The music that went from good, peaceful mix to frickin crap on the noticeably-loud-when-it-sucks Starbucks speakers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ok, I looked it up.

It was called supm 'Reflections' supm 'WOW'. It was a 'literature, photography, visual
arts, music composition, dance choreography, and film production' thing. Before the awards ceremony started, there was much food to be eated. It was good stuff, salad, pizza, lasagna, breaded chicken chunks, cake, which Shalane didn''t want so I eated her piece, and unsweet tea, because I quit consuming sugar.
The first award was for picture arts. Rhianna is up there, second from the left.
Rhianna was up there again for the other award for writing stuffs. Coincidentally, her Language Arts teacher happens to be sitting right in my line of sight, mmm, darn the luck. The funny thing about these awards is; she had to redo the picture she made because it was to involved for inclusion, so she whipped one up in a day. I don't remember the reason, but she also whipped up the writing thing and, 'bam!' she won an award for both and is going to compete at the county level. This is where I'm patting myself on the back for having such an awesome daughter.
This is the certificate for the first one.
I don't remember why, but there was no certificate for the second one, just lots of goodies, like free food at Chili's.

Listening to: Bette Davis meowing for attention.

The journey

Neriah decided he wouldn't have a use for them so he gifted me his can of glow-in-the-dark magnetic sticks and steel balls for connecting them. I brought them home and started playing with them right away. I frickin love these things. They're too cool. As often happens with the punk kids, when I showed an appreciation, he was suddenly interested again. When they camed over for the weekend, him and his sister both played with them. Then, his final creative act before going home was making a big face on the floor.
I was floored by the awesome sky as I went outside to leave on my way to Rhianna's thing at school. I guess if I was a better parent, or a mom, I would remember the name. This is not anything out of the ordinary as far as skies go around hya, but yet breathtaking.
I went next door earlier to borree the lawnmower and I saw Lee's work-in-progress. It prolly just looks like a mess to most peeps, but, to me, it looks frickin awesome. I love the idea of what he's doing, building a 4-wheel drive vehicle for hunting. He's modified and welded the frame for his needs. He put the engine and transmission in there. Soon he plans to put an old Jeep body on it from a dead Jeep back there.
As we were riding back from Rhianna's school, the sky was again extra picture worthy. There are some drops on the windshield from Shalane using the washers. I rode with her.
On the way home, I got the camera out and ready just before the light turned, so I got to take this picture just before I took off. Again, a camera just can't capture fully the awesome spectacle that is the world around us, but I remember how it looked when I see this.

Listening to: Clarice Starling.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wow, the sky was frickin awesome again today

I got Neriah to help me and we finally put up that gate at the driveway. We are now one step closer to fencing the middle yard in.
Looking out.
As I was heading out to feed the horses I was taken aback by how awesome the sky looked.
I am very clearly not in the mood to write. I think I am going to brave the vampires and go check on the rabbit to make sure it has food and water.

Listening to: commercials and the little sniffer.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Every day is a bonus now.

The other night when I was hanging out overta yungins house, Neriah and I played chess. It was cool. Neriah is like the only person I play chess with anymore. I really do like the game.
This morning, while it was still dark, obviously, I taked Emily to the airport for her trip up to KY to visit her parents and do the Boobie Cancer walk that they do every year. The sky was awesome. Once again, I tried to capture it but not quite able to with any camera.
I was reading a book my momma gived me. I really loved this page. It says, "Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace."
Milan Kundera.

This was a particularly special quote to me because, after my 'slowing down' I have come to appreciate the truly important things such as sitting on a tree swing and drinking a beer as I do nothing more than sit and think and watch the clouds and feel the breeze.

Listening to: that stoopid arse chef show that Neriah is watching.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wild hairs

I was about to write a new entry and I remembered that I still had this one to finish. Yesterday, I gots me a wild hair to go out and work on cleaning out the shed some more. While I was out there, I decided I needed to finally install the skull that had been in my truck for a while.
So, I removed the factory hood ornament and replaced it with the skull. 
It fits this truck well, it will fit the new paint I plan especially well, black primer. The truck I gived my mom had the skull with the red bandana and the wicked, open mouth and tongue hangin out. This one is a bit more subdued, though, kinda like this truck. It's a big diesel, not quite as hot rod powered as the other 350 powered truck.
After I finished the new hood ornament, I felt like taking a quick drive. I just went down the road and back a mile or so. I hardly ever drive this truck, so it's refreshing to once in a while. On the way back in the driveway, I decided I should take a picture of the bunny's new home just on the other side of the fence. It's quite the creation.
Once again, I was amazed at the sky. I have been down here for just over a year and prolly 95 percent of the days have had an awesome sky. Given my 'druthers as they say in the South, I would rather be back up in NE GA, but of all the places that I could be, for the kids, this is ok. 

Listening to: Major Payne. Damon Wayans makes a damn good Marine.

Hope for me and a new home for the rabbit

This was another picture I gergitted to add to yesterday's entry. This was me sitting in thar waiting fer the doctor.
This is pictures of what I was talking about yesterdee. This is the rabbits new home. Emily took the top off and a side and extended it and put some legs on'ar.
The top will be put back on thar to keep the rain out and the hawks that I would like to get pictures of as they swoop down to carry off the little rabbit, mwoooohahaha. 

Listening to: the A/C and the dogs eating treats.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One year of going steady

Can you believe, she told me she's never been called a ham before I did? She's just like Neriah in that I can be sure that if I aim a camera at either of them, I will get some cheesy reaction and pose. I must admit, though, I don't mind when she poses and throws her butt out to me, mmm, I do like her butt.

Anyway, today is our one year anniversary, when I gived her my pin. It has been quite the learning and growing experience. I talked to her recently to make sure she knew my feelings and had an opportunity to decide to not waste any more time. I told her that I'm not 'sure' about a long-term future for us. We are both still adjusting, which I am pretty sure is the case for most couples. However, I'm not sure if we should still be adjusting this much. It seems very much like the ex-wife-creature and I. We were/are both awesome people, when we aren't too preoccupied with trying to be someone else for each other. She pointed out to me that, although she can't drive, she could get another roommate and have friends take her where she needs to go. I am comfortable here, but I would also be comfortable (not as much, obviously), sleeping in my truck and being the beach bum I was when I came down here last July. 

Ok, this has become a not happy entry. I am excited about things. I love her creativity. She just morphed the rabbit's cage and made it twice as big with legs. When it is finished, it will live out by the giant shade trees in the front yard.

I hope to go see a guy on the East coast next week when she's in KY with her parents. He has been running a Vegetable Oil blend in his boat for the past three years. I am excited about 'finally' doing the same in the truck I bought like 5 months ago for just that purpose. Well, actually, I originally intended to run straight veggie oil, but it looks like a blend will actually be much more cost-effective and I would actually run more veggie oil. I was talking to my mom about it today. A big concern, obviously, is saving on fuel costs. However, even moreso, I am excited about furthering the research and development of alternative energies and not just for automotive uses.

I am also excited about finally getting busy again and doing some building, designing, creating. I hope to, real soon, build the adirondack chairs that I have been dreaming of building for a couple years now. I also plan to build a small table similar to a pair I made for the front porch when I was still in Athens, GA. I want to take advantage of the space we have.

Another awesome use of this space is the garden that Emily started. I am slow when it comes to doing things like that, to a fault. I take my time planning and considering and pondering and pontificating, laying out, diagraming and then finally establishing the soil and boundaries before I finally frickin plant something. Emily just plops a pile of mulch down in the middle of a big nasty patch of uncultivatedness and plants plants. This is an example of why all my planning and pondering is untoward. By the time I got to planting, Emily would already be eating 'maters. Some things have a growing/planting season, so you can't waste time if you wanna plant supm in this season. Otherwise, you gotsta wait until next year.

I just thought of another thing I am really excited about. I went to see my doctor this morning about finally, after 3 frickin years, getting tested for something fatigue-related. I really like this guy. He has been really helpful. Tomorrow morning I am going to do some labs so, hopefully, I will be on the road to this damn fatigue being something 'diagnosed' and put on paper, instead of the intangible depressing monster it has been.

Time to end this. I am tired of writing now.

Listening to: Straight out of line, by Godsmack.