Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Things are a changin'

It's back up to oh-my-hot, almost oh-my-frickin-hot. Still quite nice with the windows down and the sunroof open. Ahhhh, until the sprinkles become enough rain to hasta close it up.

I was watching the news and reading some online items about Obama's workings. I wasn't feeling too good about the 'popular' candidate getting the job. After he did, I just hoped for the best. Now, however, I'm thinking, while there are obvious things for the conservative Republican-types to be unsettled about, these dramatic changes that he has touted his intentions about will get us back on track as a country and maybe even get us to the new stage of evolution as a world. I don't feel like writing all my thunks right now, so I is gonna keep it light and easy.
I only caught the front end by the time I brought the camera to the ready position. This was one of a few trucks going through the weigh station down'ar carrying one of these mammoth pole things. The front end shown here was all skinny and even at its skinniest was still as big around as my waist. The back of this very large creation was prolly four feet across. It looked like it prolly weighed a few pounds.
Damn, A/C time. As usual in Florida, it was about five minutes before I could open it up again.
I love this tree. It's right outside the townhomes ovar.
This is an awesome back porch. I usedta love sitting out here and just soaking in the awesomeness.
Yeah, like this.
The other day, when I came over here to get the kids, it was a nice cool 82.
As I so often am here, I was awestruck by the sky and how breathtaking it was.
The gate is closed during the day, hmm, must be supm wrong widdit.
I think I need to look at my camera settings because the sky can be bright and sunny and it ends up looking grey when I take a picture. hmm?
Neriah playing with the phone I got him. The guy that helped me with my replacement phone had to work a deal in which I ended up with another line, but it was actually cheaper. So, I figgered Neriah could be using that line. The guy that helped me hooked me up with a 'loaner phone' for free. It shows a bit of wear, but it's a pretty alright RAZR.

I am over here at Shalane's and I think I'm gonna head out on the back porch with the book that ended up in her books, my copy of Animal Farm. I feel compelled to read it again. I have had my fill of the brain sucker right now.

Listening to: Biscuit, by Portishead.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Damn, my butt is sore

I hobbled around more than I have been used to. So, now my butt hurts. That'sokay mang. It's good pain. When I went to leave the other morning it was all nice and wet from the nice cool rain that came and actually stayed for a couple days. It was quite nice.

This guy ended up in the bathroom so I had to put him outside so he could get some food and drink. He was one-a them cool giant-sized tree frogs that we usedta have come visit us over'ta townhouse, well, I guess Shalane prolly still has them come visit. They usedta just jump right in the front door when I would open it, too cool.

The ride up to the SPCA for volunteerings is always beautiful.
I didn't spend much time at the SPCA. I was just feeling kinda tapped. So, after I left there, I went investigating some other lakes that I hadn't been to yet. I discovered that I hadn't been missing anything. They were all beautiful, of course, but not very user friendly. Nice to know, ya know.
So, after my journey of discovery, I went back to my favoritest, Lake Mirror. I had to remove my disguise and look more beach bum-like, so I took off my volunteer t-shirt and my boots and felt the sun on my skin and the grass and rocks on my feet. I also grabbed a book, of course.

I returned to my favorite spot and laid back on the grass as I leaned over my book and fed my brain for a few.
In between, I did the usual looking around and feasting on the sights. There was a nice older couple walking around enjoying the awesomeness. 
On the way out, I couldn't help but notice the view of the sky and the auditorium and this tree, wow, good stuff.
Wow, I guess I can blame the tiredness, but I'm not feeling like my usual long-winded self. Now, that it's mine, I really love that little car.

Listening to: Friends.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today in my most appreciated life experience

This morning, well afternoon, after Shalane came to get the kids, I came on down to my new favorite lake. On the way, however, I wanted to come back down here to the park adjacent to where the curb market was yesterday. I parked in the same lot and hadta p-tinkle so I went across the street to a place called Crispers. I had never been there and looked forward to an excuse to investigate. It was a lot more than I expected, quite an awesome place.
I returned to the park after relieving my bladder of excess pressures. wow. I brought my bag, but after opening my computer for just a few minutes, I returned it to the bag and decided to write in my beach notebook. I don't feel too keen on the idea of using the brain sucker when I am engulfed in the awesomeness of the world. 
In the center of this picture, ovar was a guy playin a geetar, cool. While I was sitting there, some girls, 5 or 6, got out of a couple vehicles and carried some shoulder bags and a large plastic milk crate kinda thing and started directly in front of me. I jokingly said, 'oh, yer bringing me drinks'. When one of them handed me a Gatorade, I thought, 'oh crap I just asked for supm they're selling'. Nope, another one asked me if I wanted a sammidge. I said no thanks and quickly realized that the guys ovar that struck me as well-groomed homeless were indeed, likely, homeless. These girls, I presumed, did this every Sunday, evidenced by what seemed to be a typical expectant congregation awaiting them. They walked around handing out Gatorades and sammidges. Frickin cool. I sat there for a few and then, as I was fitna leave, I walked on over to get a closer listen at the geetar guy. I frowed a dollar in his geetar case and gived him the Gatorade that I didn't really feel like drinkin anyway.

On the way back to the car, I decided to try and gather some info for my other life dream, a junkyard/go-cart track/campground/thrift store/scratch-n-dent grocery on about 25 acres of undeveloped land in AZ on the Mexican border that would implement alternative energy/fuels and offer homeless peeps an opportunity to regain some dignity and experience abundance beyond what they have known. However, the guy I tried to talk to about the very sensitive subject wasn't interested and, even after I told him I wasn't trying to sell anything, he said he just wanted to be alone. Well, practice.
I went back to Lake Mirror, where I was the day before with the kids. I decided to nose around a bit and see what else was there. It was apparent there was more, but we spent our limited time to see the other side. Today, I checked out the other side, which was far more impressive than what we saw yesterday. There was this cool, walkthrough water squitring thing next to the kid play area with all kindsa cool stuff. I passed this on my way over to the big building where the restrooms, that I just happened to need, were located.
I walked around another building ovar and saw it was called a 'supm building' I fergit. It looked like some kinda place where they do formal events, such as weddings. Just past it was the Hollis Garden, a spectacular place, where they apparently do weddings.
Just inside, a pair of couples strolled down a path and observed the trees, etc.
As I turned around and looked back at the top end, I was surprised to see a little alcove, beautiful.
I turned around to see the breathtaking view down over the garden to the lake, down below. This guy was tending to the garden by watering, weeding, etc.  Some chairs adverted the coming wedding.
On my way down to Lake Mirror again, with my book in hand and my bare hillbilly feet sampling every texture along my exploratory journey.

As I exited the garden.
Looking back at the gated entryway atop the stairs.
Ovar is where we started yesterday.
I headed back toward it, but not that far. I saw this awesome stepped, plateau'd thing. I think I'll sit ovar.
I sat on the edge of the wall with grass under my buttocks. There's the gated supm we checked out yesterday.
I laid back and read. I scooted on back and crossed my legs as I laid back in the grass. There's the bookmark that Rhianna made me back in the middle of last year. It's the coolest.
There was supm goin on at the auditorium. I never did find out what it was.

When I looked back toward the lake, during one of my breaks from reading, I looked around at the sky, the trees, the lake, across the lake, the fountain spraying in the lake, the people walking by and around, the kids running around and some guy walking toward me. He introduced himself, Eduardo?, I don't remember honestly. He asked me if I loved God. I said I did. So, he said he just wanted to pray with me, which he did. Once again, not exactly my beliefs but still nice. 
I laid back and felt the grass all over my laid-on parts. I looked up and took an eyeballfull of the awesome sky before I closed my eyes to meditate. Just before I laid back, I rested on my elbows and gazed across the lake thinking about how significant it was that I met Karla and how she helped further my spiritual evolution. I love her, I thought, just before I laid back and closed my eyes.

Once again, my 'plans' and 'intentions' are not congruent with what my dynamic path through this life experience is. I was wrestling with my feelings for a week or so. I love the spiritual and intellectual way she inspires and excites me. Ok, I guess that's an 'ed' thing, as in past tense. Anyway, I was/am feeling really burned out on the whole love thing. I felt like I was just going through the motions, doing what I knew how to do. I do it so well apparently that she is not liking me because I wasn't true to what she felt and, being a f***ed up Aquarian male, am too analytical and capable of disconnecting from my feelings. So, I am sorry that I have made her not happy after a couple months of being honest in a way that seems dishonest to her.

When I stopped meditating, I felt the wonderful peace that resembles waking from a restful nap and I decided it was time to go back to visit that bathroom ovar. 
When I came back down, I decided to do some reading on one of those benches ovar. I sat there and did the same thing I did on the grassy spot ovar. I read, looked around, read, talked to people, read, looked around some more...

Then, I noticed the wedding participants preparing for the big event. I noticed the adorable little flower girl and then with not much effort I noticed the woman who was guiding her little torpedo self around, a nice thick, smooth skinned goddess.
Cute kid, and quit looking at her smooth skin. Time to return to the bench. I am not a wedding photographer.
Oh, hey, it's the star of the event, the bride, being escorted, by, dad? I dunno.
That's really a beautiful thing.
Holy crap, she's a pale-skinned, freckly redhead! I just happened to be grabbing pictures when there was a veil mishap. I am, once again thankful for the experience I am allowed to have.

After the ceremony, they came back down and the whole group of participants gathered at the bottom of the stairs for photographer direction. The short-haired lady was some tattooed freak that was apparently the wedding planner. She made sure eveything was just so.
As I sat looking around, I noticed someone looking at something in the water, so I walked over to the wall at the lake's edge. It was a white swan swimming around right there. Beautiful, of course, but as I looked around, I saw a beautiful black swan on the step area thing over there just above the water. I hadta go get a picture. It was truly a spectacular creature.
I returned to my bench, well one bench over actually because it was in the shade of a beautiful young tree, to look around a bit more.
Then, after I spent the afternoon there, the clouds of wetness rolled in. I kept watching them to see if they were gonna skirt right on next to us. Then, I felt a drip, drop, drop, drop. Ok, time to go, I guess. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Listening to: the commercials in between 'Must Love Dogs', a pretty good movie.