Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I need a new way to say I'm frickin tard

I am going to tear this computer down in a little while, so this will likely be my last post here. However, in a little while. I'm frickin tard. I took some items to Shalane's storage and loaded some items in the truck. A few boxes, I packed full of books, so they were a bit heavy. This has gotsta be the hardest challenge I've ever faced. But, I am thankful that God has blessed me with the time to get it done. It's hard, but do-able.

Tomorrow, I plan to finish loading the truck and head to Butch's. Whew. Then, I will have the easy part, drive to Tampa, FL and find a place to live. Pshaw. Fortunately, God has blessed me with a ginormous truck, so if I hasta, I can sleep in it, likely at a state park or supm, so I can use the shower.

I think I must go talk to my best friend now. I need to rest fer a second before I get back to work.

Listening to: Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand, Primitive Radio Gods

1 comment:

KC said...

Drive careful. Be well. And post when you've gotten yourself all settled...