Thursday, October 23, 2008


The kids and I went to Costco fer some items. I tried to get a good shot of them to no avail. I would have aksed them to look at me, but then they would have been too posed for my liking and Neriah’s posing would have involved some kind of extreme silly face and body pose. Most of the time I don’t mind those so much. I mean, they’re real life and I appreciate that. However, I was just feeling a bit more tranquil, prolly inspired by the awesome sky and the perfect weather.

I just keep taking pictures as I walk out the back door and I’m slapped in the face with the breathtaking view that is our backyard. I just keep taking them. It never seems to be diminished.

When Emily was up in KY visiting her parents, I went crazy and cleaned and did things. One of the things I did was clean off the deck and organize a bit. I tried putting this plant on the table to get it up out da flo. It has since moved back to a lesser vantage point back down to that corner over there. It’s just a bit too big to live on the table. Oh, a chance to pat myself on the back. That pink thing is one of the things I got Emily for our one-year anniversary, a pink Adirondack chair.

Rhianna is out in the front yard tending to the bunny. It has quite the nice new home under the shade tree out there. Emily is planning to make a chicken wire run out there so the bunny, and it’s new friend it just gotted yesterday, can have a lot more room.

I ain’t never seed a tan tree frog b’fore. It was really cool, very docile, too. Usually, they jump like crazy frogs to get away from the giant. This one just sat there and let me stroke it’s back. I don’t fink it was dyin neever. I saw another one, who may have been the same guy, but in my speciesist mind they all look the same, ya’ know, and it was just as docile.

Listening to: the ceiling fan and a whole lotta quiet.

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