Sunday, October 5, 2008

I get the kids every weekend, so I hads me an epiphany today. It would be reasonable to plan on writing a blog involving them at least once a week. This blog is supposed to be for tracking life anyway. It only makes sense to track their lives as a part o' mine. This weekend, Rhianna decided to make a cake for one of her teachers, she's so frickin cool that way. So, when she made it, we then thought about transporting it. No one we asked had a cake Tupperware thing. So, I decided we would run on down to da sto ta git one-a them cake boxes from the bakery sumwhars. The nice lady could not give us a 'box' because it had the Pub... name on it. However, she could give us a nice plastic thing for a quarter, very doable. 

Upon acquiring our plastic cake transporter, we stopped at Starbucks, since Neriah talked me into it because of his recent desire for the decaf coffee that I drink. Needless to say, it wern't that hard to talk me into.

*** just a rock and rollyuh...AC/DC is frickin awesome. Emily just went out to do horsey stuff and she tuned to some AC/DC live supm before she left. This frickin band is a year older than me, frickin 35, and they are about to release another album. My 11 year old son has just developed an affinity for them. I just made him a compilation, which ended up only being like 13 songs, because I had to censor it and not copy stuff that talked about sex and drugs, which is most of it. Thankfully, there is still some that just showcases their awesome musical abilities.***
There is Neriah's sweet boy face.
...and Rhianna. 
This is the cake she made. She went ahead and put the names that her Republican-type teacher would like to see. This is the brown-noser part of her. I would find it much more entertaining if it were for a 'change' hippie supporter. However, I needsta throttle back my smart-assness when I deal with the punk darlings because of obvious implications, gotsta be all responsible and shite.

Listening to: Live AC/DC, You shook me all night long...

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