Monday, October 13, 2008

Ok, I looked it up.

It was called supm 'Reflections' supm 'WOW'. It was a 'literature, photography, visual
arts, music composition, dance choreography, and film production' thing. Before the awards ceremony started, there was much food to be eated. It was good stuff, salad, pizza, lasagna, breaded chicken chunks, cake, which Shalane didn''t want so I eated her piece, and unsweet tea, because I quit consuming sugar.
The first award was for picture arts. Rhianna is up there, second from the left.
Rhianna was up there again for the other award for writing stuffs. Coincidentally, her Language Arts teacher happens to be sitting right in my line of sight, mmm, darn the luck. The funny thing about these awards is; she had to redo the picture she made because it was to involved for inclusion, so she whipped one up in a day. I don't remember the reason, but she also whipped up the writing thing and, 'bam!' she won an award for both and is going to compete at the county level. This is where I'm patting myself on the back for having such an awesome daughter.
This is the certificate for the first one.
I don't remember why, but there was no certificate for the second one, just lots of goodies, like free food at Chili's.

Listening to: Bette Davis meowing for attention.

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