Friday, October 24, 2008

Grumble, grumble

This morning as I was leaving to go to the doctorman, I remembered I needed to air up that front tire. It was low. Hopefully, I dinnit run over something as I was cleaning out the shed and putting up that fence ovar. I will check when I get done writing and drinking my very rare decaf Starbucks coffee. The weather, as I was thinking in the shower this morning, is finally at that point when I actually like it down here ok. It still gets up to like frickin 85 later in the day, but now, in mid-October, there are actually cool hours. When I let the dogs out this morning and tried to retrieve the cat, who has developed quite the affinity for being outside, which wouldn’t be a concern at all, but she’s been declawed, I felt the awesome, finally-cool-for-a-frickin-second-in-the-fall/winter temperature, which made me refreshed and anxious to shower and get back outside.

I got to the doctor’s office plenty early, as I tend to be when I’m  by myself and not going to someone else’s appointments, -ahem, Emily, ahem- I came to see about drugs. When I was 16, that may have been a woohoo! comment, but not no mo. I hate drugs now. I don’t want to depend on any crutch-type drug for anything, if I can help it. I have been thankful that so far I have not had pain or any reason for dependence on drugs to maintain my daily activities. However, after three years, I am tired of being tired. I can do things like the gate pictured previously or the fence or cleaning out the shed (no small feat) or the dishes or laundry or moving furniture, etc., etc., but my weakness is stamina. I can’t go more than 20 or 30 minutes before needing to stop for hours to rest. It doesn’t really matter how much I do either, I’m still gonna be frickin wiped out.


Listening to: The usual crap music coming outta the Starbucks speakers.

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