Sunday, January 25, 2009

The last Sunday Jan 2009, eh, didn't have a good title. That damn head cold really kicked the shite outta me and zapped my energy banks, so I guess my wit is impaired. This picture was taken last weekend. The kids and I, I had them stay seated in the car so they could be in my picture. However, I don't think my cell phone camera captured their sweet faces. Regardless, this was an awesome little (well, big, actually) park that we found on the way out to investigate a flea market in Lakeland. It had prolly a hundredd small lakes. I just hadsta stop and take a picture by one of them.
This is another one of those 'cell phone camera didn't accurately portray the target, but I will remember'. We were coming back, kinda the long way, and I was just having a moment of 'wow, Lakeland is such a beautiful city.' So, like I said, I tried to capture that to no avail obviously.
Thw kids and I took one of our refreshing walks around the neighborhood. Well, I walked. They have their Ripsticks, which are quite the awesome toy, another thing that makes me think 'wow, that woulda been awesome when I was a punk kid.'
One of the cool benefits of giving this Suburban to me madre, I gits to drive it once in a while. She let me borree it the other day to go git a chair from Shalane's. It was a chair that I originally bought for myself anyway, but when she leaved, I gived it to her, so, now that I have a use for it again, it is pretty cool to have it back. Her boyfriend is buying her some new furniture, so she doesn't have room fer it anymore. Coolness for both of us.
Zoee is such a sweet baby. I love her. She is a funny story that I don't know if I's ever included in here. She was given to Shalane, out in California, by a lesbian that was in love with her. This is important to the story because of the lesbian's dislike of arrogant prick types like I was. Well, Zoee is very snobbish and requires some serious gettin-to-know-you time before she is ready to have anything to do with you. When I met Zoee, however, after one of the last times Shalane left, when I was returning from a deployment overseas, she lept into my arms and we have been in love ever since. So, she is Shalane's dog, but my girlfriend.
Another memory, the back porch over there at Shalane's/my ex-girlfriend's town house is breathtaking. I love to sit out there and just breathe it in.
I went to my interview at the SPCA the other day, which was really just a more detailed follow-up to the information session I went to. It was more for those who actually show up to volunteer and buy a shirt and get/give and idea of the jobs they can/will do. Well, I was early as I usually am, so I walked around and visited the aminals. This dog was one of the frickin cutest I's ever seed. Fortunately for me, it was about to go home with the peeps that just adopted it.
Then I looked at the cats. I have actually been considering a cat lately, so much less maintenance. I really liked this one.

When I went to pick them up on Friday, I was stoked to discover that Neriah had gotten rid of the two C's he had gotten on the last report card. He also made it onto the Honor Roll. Hells Yeah! Anyway, that is what was keeping his Christmas gifts in jail at my house. Yesterday, we went out to shoot his new bow and arrow. Unfortunately I have (still, dammit!) misplaced the bb's for the bb gun. 
As he was looking for the arrows that can be sneaky hiders, I came over here to take a picture across the car. I really like this little car. As I've said, when Emily was in it, I hated this car. Again, not talking shite about her, she was just very sensitive to noise and acceleration, so I was constantly very uptight and uncomfortable. Now, that I can rolld the windows down, open the sun roof, crank the radio and just drive, I frickin love it.
This is one of those funny memories in life. We thought the first arrow had been lost because, even though we both watched exactly where it went, it simply vanished. I concluded that it musta skimmed across the ground and went into the brush ovar, so we gived up on it. Then, the second one vanished a while later and it looked like quittin time. Then, I just happened to look down at just the right spot and holy crap, lookee there, they were both not only buried the same way, but parallel to each other. Wow. It looks a lot more visible in this picture, but in an expanse of this greyish-brown grass, they were quite hidden.
This is another memory that words will describe better than a picture. Neriah looked up this morning and spotted these four peeps skydiving, prolly into the airport right behind us. It looked really cool.
This morning, after getting some damn replacement bb's, because I still ain't finded the original bb's, gumble, grumble, we went to shoot his new Red Ryder bb gun. My brain wasn't working this morning, so I just grabbed the same target we used for the bow and arrow, a lawn bag of leaves. We agreed, however, that his slingshot target practice items would be much mo betta, cans, etc. Well, next time, mom was coming to get them in minutes, so this morning was just to do it, ya know.

Listening to: Christian Woman, by Type O Negative.

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