Thursday, January 15, 2009

Before the vehicle exchange and subsequent trip up to NEGA

I decided to take the kids to investigate a park out here in the country by me madre's new home. This was day one of 2009. So much for partying like it's 1999, ay?
This is a cool little park, lots of spanish moss.
There's the truck ovar. I didn't trade it with Emily for the Saturn for another few days.
My camera won't detect their kidness as they runned off ovar to climb in a tree. I walked ovar after this, beautiful little park.
This place had some kinda rec center and ball fields out back. The yungins runned around fer a few.
I did Shalane and Emily a small flavor and went to pick up the microwave that was being fixed and installed it. It surprised me at how easy it went back in. I dun did it by mysef. I ain't never dun one-a them over-the-stove ones, so I loved the opportunity to expand my skills.
I think this was a day or so before the vehicle trade. I was having my usual one drink.
There I bees, back to what seems to be the standard.
This was on my way up to home in the new car.
The sky was amazing as it has been just about every day since my 'slowing down'.

Yes, it's always on my mind. I spend so much time in Florida because the kids and their completion of school on their way to adulthood is my primary concern. Maybe in 9 or ten years I can be up in NEGA permanently, living on a sailboat on Lake Lanier or Lake Hartwell. Yeah, I know great face, not only do I seem to be incapable of smiling in a picture, but in this one, I'm also making a face.
Ooooooh, the Elk. I frickin love that car, 500 horses of pure joy.
He sold the Corvette rally wheels he had on it to someone, so he had them changed with some other almost-as-cool rims.
Just a view down the driveway.
I helped dry the water with a chamois after he wushed GiGi's Beemer.
This is another blurry one, but as I've said many times, I remember. This one cracks me up, though. Every time I see this doll, I think of that movie May. It was a freakish, sick, twisted movie that I would not want to admit recommending to anyone, but very much like a train wreck and, honestly entertaining if yer a sick ass m***erf***er.

Listening to: Sober, by Tool.

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