Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well, since I'm here...

Yeah, it's blurry as hayl, but as I have said many times, this blog is for life-tracking, and primarily, it is for my rememberance of life events and, since this picture will trigger a memory, it works. This was me and one of the kids, I don't remember which since the picture is blllllurry. It don't be mattrin, yo. I played chess with both uvm. It's awesome to have kids, or hell be around kids, 'cause you can be not-that-great at supm, like chess in this case, and seem like a chess god. ;-)
The Bunn I gived to Shalane. It's significant, not because I want to pat myself on the back for giving my ex-wife-creature such an awesome gift, but because I could be a damn Bunn salesman. I frickin love those. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see how long the last one lived. At last check, it was, as old as Neriah, about 10 years old and still going. Yeah, a hunnerd bucks is costly at first glance, but divide that by ten. What ten dollar coffee pot could make perfect-temperatured frickin coffee in less than 3 minutes. hmmm, yeah, exactly. Frickin awesome. I am using it here for hot water, which I can get immediately for tea or ramen noodles or whu-evah. Oh yeah, we can't know about the longevity of the other one because I gived it to my mom and, when she moved down to Sarasota, she leaved it in GA, oops. Well, like I said, ten years still is more than our money's worth.

This picture also shows the pineapple that I hadsta cut up because it was at it's ripe extreme. Mmm, it was good, so sweet. Yeah, being stranded on an island with just coconuts and pineapples, ok, whu-evah.

Well, since I was here and since her dad was here, Sharane could take advantage of the helps and go get stuff outta her office. She and her sister had/have a bidniz doing permanent make-up. They is good and have had plenty of successful customers, but life events are just not making it possible for the first-two-years bidniz to survive through the holidays. So, here I is sitting in this dentist chair thinking I could borrow it and offer free gynecological exams at the beach. ;-) Damn, I needa haircut.
Butch is sittin ovar talking on the phone while we wait for Traci, Shalane's sister to do the final walk-through before going with us to put this chair in storage.
Looking up at the bildin.

Listening to: All Right Now, by Free.

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