Thursday, December 4, 2008

Be thankful for what ya gots, not what ya ain't gots

Just like Thanksgiving dinner at the same house, I didn't take much pictures. Therefore, the frickin awesome quiche thing that she made from the left-over turkeys ain't be living on in pictural history. But this salad, regardless, was wow, her usual, thank-God-my-daughter-is-modeling-herself-after-her, amazing. 
It was dusk, so not the best clarity, but a taste, at least, of Neriah's masterpiece on the back patio. He made quite the homage in chalk to all the Nintendo characters he could think of, Link being his favorite. I know this picture doesn't show it, but it's pretty cool.
This morning, I went out there to clean out the truck, which was still in quite the disarray from the Shalane office move and I got a wild hair to wax the very oxidized sides. It's amazing what a little wax will do.

Wish You Were Here, by Incubus.

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