Sunday, September 7, 2008

The second night of awesome hotel rooming

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. I don't feel like taking pictures of our room tonight, so I'll just use an old one of me, laziness and vanity. Anyway, we are at another Hampton Inn that Emily's dad, once again, got for us. The home warranty peeps, who I will not slander by including their name, said they could not even find someone who would come fix the merferkin A/C on a weekend. Emily was told that if she wanted to find a place hersef, she could get reimbursed by the home warranty whores, I mean peeps. So, after getting home from the frickin hotel at about 11, Emily found out their incompetence and called a place hersef and got someone out in short order. The guy said, what we were actually glad to hear, that the unit looked so old and worn out that it wouldn't even be fixable, so a new unit will be installed tomorrow. So, Emily's dad got us another room at a Hampton Inn. This time, over here instead.

It is yet another awesome room. Unfortunately, I don't feel like taking pictures, but it's a Hampton Inn, so they is pretty awesome. This room isn't quite as nice as the one last night, but it's still pretty ah-ight. The one thing to note is the shower is much better. Actually, it is the best shower I have ever used. It's a stand-up, which I have used, but it is frickin huge. 

I'm tired. I don't feel like writing no mo.

Listening to: Some stoopid expensive Toyota (Lexus) commercial.


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