Sunday, August 9, 2009

Every day is Sunday, oh wait, it really is Sunday...I think.

Wow, I sure am an ugly bastard. I keep trying anyway, thinking maybe I can take a good picture, but it seems pretty hopeless, indeed. Anyway, I decided, the other day actually, that I was going to use this tripod that I've had for years and never used. Today, after sitting it against the wall behind my desk last week, I finally worked up the gumption to actually use it. I was playing with it the other day and finally used the video cable the camera came with. I showed Rhianna and I how this awesome camera would take videos and then display them and the pictures on a tv with the quick and easy RCA cable hooked-up.

Ok, I must insert an intermission here...

...ok, wow, that was quite a nice intermission, no not sex, just a conversation. ;-p

I am not in a writing mood anymore. I think I will go shave this goatee that has kind of developed due to laziness.

Listening to: Mourning Air, by Portishead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was just going to say I was digging the goatee, and then you had to go and shave it. Ahhh well. How've you been? :) xo