Sunday, March 22, 2009


Yesterday morning, Neriah helped me to pack us a nice lunch complete with the bliss making meatloaf sammidges. As Neriah, Rhianna and I headed on down tha road a piece, I just hadta turn around and take a picture of these amazing creations, Novas, old, first or second generation, and newer, third generation, both of which I really love. However, the third generation, on the right, is my favorite. Damn, that's a sweet car. I'm not sure which place it is, but it's definitely in my top 5, with the El Camino, the 9th generation Chevy full-size truck, the 9th generation Suburban and the Corvette.
The sky was breathtaking as usual, since I came down here a little over a year and a half ago.
I've driven by this thing a handful o' times, but finally got a wild hair to get a picture of this water tower shaped like a Publix cake. I ain't never seed a water tower that looks like a cake.
As we were heading down Main street into downtown Lakeland, it became increasingly beautifuller.
We started seeing the light poles and trees dotting the sidewalks.
The center vein through town and to other towns.
Cool old beast crossed through my shot just in time. That thar's Lake Mirror downar.
I said, 'don't pose', so, they just stood there 'not posing, posing'. Yeah, wonderful, gotta love the childrens.
Rhianna capturing some of the awesome spectacle that we are so fortunate to experience. The change in our intended experience was her batteries dying. Taking advantage of the technological advances that are now so easily taken advantage of by the less appreciative, I took her memory card out of her camera and put it in my camera so that she could just use mine. The few times I wanted to take a picture or two, I just swapped the memory cards again. So easy, or such an inconvenience to someone who maybe didn't have to dial a rotary phone and remain tethered to the phone because there was no such thing as frickin 'cordless' or maybe didn't somehow gain an appreciation because yer just a frickin awesome kid. Damn, I love my punk, darlings. Anyway, so my appreciation is for the fact that it's so damn easy to swap memory cards between cameras, phones, computers and no developing of the many pictures we take every day. Oh, I don't like that one -delete-. No wasted developing chemicals, papers, etc. Frickin awesome.
When I first came ovah hyah to check out this art thing, I thought this was someone carrying a big wad of supm like plastic bags or supm. Then, I saw it was a new bride going to a photographer chosen spot for picture time.
This was, most assuredly, a rare opportunity. I didn't even capture it well enough. It was swan sexytime, cool.
More bride posings.
Across Lake Mirror. Hey, we asked, what is that ovar? I dunno, I says, let's go see.
As we journeyed to the far side of the lake, we observid the interesting sights along the way.
Rhianna made use of the flower her bruvver gived her. Damn, she's beautiful.
Neriah action, just like me, two speeds, full throttle and stop.
We made it. Now our starting point is the far side. Neriah was stoked that the lake was so shallow and you could reach that rock right there. His apprehension about reaching down there was quickly overcome by his insatiable desire to experience. I'm so glad that he is built the way he is.
This is what it is. Still, even now, not sure what exactly it is. I will find out when I find out. The middle one is some kinda gate with chains and a lock, of course, ooh supm good inar fer sure.
It was like a long corridor from either end where there was a big wooden door. All along the far wall, about ten feet back was stone benches. I really look forward to finding out what it be.
There were stairs that winded on up, just above the big gated entryways to the street level over here offering an awesome view. That big art thing is just above Neriah's head in this picture. 
We walked back around to the other side, where I retrieved my flippers from the tattooed freak who was guarding them while she readed on a bench, and got back in the car to head onto another lake where we could eat our lunch. Neriah started to get the lunch items, but I corrected him as if he was just being too presumptuous, expecting him to just read my mind and know this was not my intended lunch spot. Yeah, I still gots to work on myself.

Anyway, we just decided to look at the downtown area a bit because it was so cool. We saw an outdoor supm, street fair type-a thing. So we turned around and, as I looked for a spot, I noticed a parking lot by Munn Park. We parked and, as we just crossed the tracks, a train caused the crossing bars at that road ovar and then shortly after, on this road right here that our sidewalk was adjacent to to come on down. ding, ding, ding. cool picture opportunity.
Then, I figgered this was indeed a rare opportunity, to take a picture of a train coming straight at me as I stand on the tracks, too cool fer school.
The Lakeland Farmers Curb Market. There was only one person selling produce items, such as peppers. There was also one person selling plants. The rest, maybe 10 or 15, were selling different cool items like leather goods, hemp braided items, sauce/marinades, unique items made from recycled materials, such as clothes or hula hoops and other things that we really didn't get the opportunity to see because we arrived right at closin time, so by the time we visited the first few tables, the rest were mostly packed up. It is a Saturday thing though, so I can see us going again.
Oh yeah, there's the hemp stuff and the hula hoops.
This lady held up a sign for me to include in my picture. They were packing up, but I caught a glimpse at these loofa sponges that are actually the guts of a certain squash, too cool, I didn't know there was such a thing. They were just like the ones that are ocean creatures.

Once we went to two other lakes, the library and ate our lunch in between, I just quit taking pictures, oops. Good opportunities, but they will just hafta be selfish experiences confined to my memory.

Listening to: Down with the sickness, by Disturbed.

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