Monday, March 9, 2009

Significant entry today

I have started an entry, but put it on hold due to significance of this one. I was just in the shower and had to rush out afterwards to start writing because I felt inspired to write. The one that would have been the last entry has a buncha pictures to upload so, since I feel more like writing today, for a change, it will wait. I have two things that I really want to invest the words in, SUV on a phone idiot and Shalane's profession of supm.

First, to explain this picture; an adorable frickin Schnauzer. I love this dog. She has the cone thingy because she is just healing after being fixed. They don't want 'em to mess with the incision. This dog really had me deliberating the idea of returning to being a dog owner instead of my newly decided idea that I'm now a cat person due to the low maintenance.
I came home and decided it was time to bust out the bucket, etc. and wash this car, for the first time since I liberated it from its subjugated position as a farm truck. I also put a possible final coat of wax on the hood after sanding and using a rubbing compound to remove at least some of the deep scratches that were inflicted upon this poor thing while my ex-girlfriend's (previous owner) holiday animal sitter had custody of it. The gouges have been covered by touch up paint and will be done 'enough' dammit. ;-)

Ok, so on to my significant inspiring items.

First, yesterday, coincidentally I decided to go a different way (prolly just my spirit being aware beyond my capabilities) and it just so happened that Shalane who had just left with Rhianna to go to the mall in Lakeland instead of the on in 'traffic hell' got off at the wrong road. She called right before I got to that exit so I got off there and led her into the mall. It was slightly out of the way for her and us, no biggie. Neriah and I were going to a lake downtown to read and soak in the amazingness. It was no more than a mile or two out of the way for both of us. That's not the significant part related to Shalane, just supm else I'm thankful for. It is just a set-up for the first part, the idiot in the SUV.

Idiot in the SUV

As Neriah and I were heading back from the mall where we had just led Shalane and Rhianna, some knucklehead in a mammoth SUV cut the guy to my left off with no turn signal. Coincidentally, we both arrived at the next light shortly after, side-by-side. She was, not surprisingly, on her cell phone. This would explain the inability to use a g**d*** turn signal. Well, wait, I can still operate mine if I use my phone while driving, rarely. Anyway, I used hand signals to say...hang up...and drive...and use a turn signal. She rolled down her window to inquire as to what I was saying. So, I said verbally, hang up, drive, and use a turn signal. Her response to this interruption to her phone call was, 'You need Jesus.' Then she rolled the window back up and continued her conversation. Holy frickin crap, really! This, of course, does not stress me. I am not affected beyond puzzling at people's stupidity (willful ignorance).

So, I will be arrogant enough to paraphrase: If you do something wrong and someone else is offended then it's because they just have a lack of the inspring teachings of Jesus. Interesting. This is why I hate these frickin hypocrite Christians. No, not all of them are. I am only speaking of the hypocritical idiots like this one. This is also why I have no use for religion in general.

I love God and feel very comfortable with my relationship that is continually improving, but religion is a bunch of man’s bullshite. Each faith, from what I’ve seen has many common threads, which happen to be the things that I have accepted as truths, but they are all filled with the ritualistic crap that man has to add and then hypocritically practice. I only mention the hypocritical practices in the Christian gaggle. There are, in my opinion, of course, similar nonsense in the other faiths, but I'm not going to name them. Besides them being clear and obvious anyway, I don't want to incite the wrath of zealots.

When I decided I was no longer a Christian, it was due to the commonalities that most faiths share aside from the religious bs and also my constant frustration with the frickin idiots who call themselves Christians and say shite like, ‘You need Jesus.’ If you wanna follow a book, frickin follow it, don’t just use the clips that you like and ignore the rest. For example, the Christian Bible (which I actually read in its entirety on my first deployment overseas) says nothing about us becoming angels when we die and flying straight up to heaven. It says when you die, yer frickin dead, you don’t dream, work or anything else, yer frickin dead. It’s not until the ‘second coming’ that your spirit is released from its earthly grave to join the other Christians in the ‘judgment’ and then this new heaven on earth, if you earn your place. This is not the common 'accepted' belief. 

No wonder some , namely and especially homosexuals, become atheists after a life of being told they are wrong and going to hell, not because they have studied and decided that is what they believe. It is simply ‘not’ something they dislike. Well, I learned recently about some things that really jived with what I have come to believe after this handful of years being a ‘God-lover without a religion’. One of these things is the law of attraction, very simple and easily seen and recognized. Whatever you focus on, you attract to your life. That person who always has a beat up car and financial, relationship and emotional problems is the same person who says things like, 'yeah, just my luck' No shite, if you constantly focus on the negative, you get more of the same. 

Anti-war rallies bring more war, anti-drug rallies bring more drugs, anti-gun rallies bring more guns, and anti-gay rallies bring more gays. This last statement I’m sure will provoke some feelings, but isn’t it true? Even those who maybe wouldn’t have been gay but are looking for something to be a part of (like Christianity) decide to use it as a tool to affect a change in their life, just like many countless individuals join a gang to be a part of something in a world where they see only poverty and pain.

I really respect someone who is homosexual and spiritual because it tells that they are spiritually mature. They aren't just being 'against' something they are 'for' something. That is much more positive.

Ok, Item two:
Shalane's profession of supm

I was talking to Shalane yesterday and I was being thankful for the relationship that we now have. We feel and know that we can count on each other for most anything. Well, the significant thing, to me, was something she said about her boyfriend. I am not gonna talk about her bidniz beyond this one statement. She said that he wasn't a fixer and if yer gonna be in her life, you gotta be a fixer, like her dad and me. Wow, that really meant a lot to me. I take it for granted that I'm a fixer. It's something that I am immensely thankful for. I was first blessed with the skills and abilities to be a fixer, but furthermore, I was allowed to keep them after my 'slowing down' (a disabling motorcycle accident in which I had to go from infancy to the old man I am now). She referenced the time a while back when I came to meet her at a park where she was doing a photo shoot with the kids to fix her turn signal. I am so glad and thankful that I not only 'can' help others by fixing things, but also that it actually gets me off; inspires me.

Listening to: Bad Religion (wow, how coincidentally frickin cool), by Godsmack.

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