Monday, February 2, 2009

Unlike Foreigner said, it's not sad or a day like any other day, it's an awesome Monday, a bonus day like no other day....

Ok, tis true, It's Monday now, when I finally get around to writing this, but this is actually from yesterdee, after the yungins dun went home. Once again, the sky was an awesome spectacle to behold as I went to Starbucks for some blogging, which I obviously didn't do, emailing, which I not so obviously didn't do because their Wifi was not happy and reading, which I actually did.
The road there, feebly captured by my camera phone, was breathtaking, the stuff of stories, honestly.
It just kept wowing me until I got to Starbucks.
They has a nice cripple spot right at the front door here, I'm diggin it.
Moments like this make me thankful and accepting of all the challenges I am required to face, frickin awesome.
As I got ready to pull away for downtown, I expanded my view of where I was sitting.
Back to Lake Morton, downtown. I think I will go sit on that bench over there. I won't bother trying to read this time. I will just look around and experience the sensory overload that is here.
Wow, I was amazed at what I thought was a myriad of birds the last time I was here. This time, however, I was awestruck at not only the wide-ranging variety of birds, but the sheer number.
This guy was frickin huge. He stood right in front of me for a considerable portion of time from when I sat down to a while later. Swans are really an awesome bird. They have the same arrogant, intimidating attitude as geese, but they're bigger and more beautiful, in my opinion, of course.
Just like the last time I was here, the picture makes it look dreary, but quite the contrary, it was just a lotta clouds. It was a beautiful sunny day, though.
He spent a few minutes trying to intimidate me by being very forward and threatening to bite me and raising his head up and making noises. Then that itch became too much and required some nipping.
There's the libaree ovar at center stage across the water.
He was distracted by another itch on the other side, so I was able to get a bit closer with my camera phone to take a picture of his awesome feets. They were so cool. Unfortunately, the detail can't express to you that and share my memory witcha.
After quite some time of attempted intimidation attempts and self-scratching, he decided to move on along ovar, beautiful long slender neck.
I felt compelled to head back to the heezy, yo, mostly driven by a growing intensity in my bladder.
Damn, I love Lakeland. It's such a beautiful town.
...and some more.
There's the Starbucks, on the way home.
Later, lasterday evening, Shalane called and said that Rhianna was, not better at all, worse actually, so she needed to go back to the doctor. Shalane offered to take off work, knowing, I think, what my answer would be, since I am fortunate enough to be a full-time beach bum and my whole purpose in life for the next handful of years is to be down here for the kids, this is my purpose realized. So, I taked Rhianna back to the doctor this morning. Last time, I think, she wasn't as sick and she had taken Motrin, so she didn't look as rough, so she got placating drugs. This time, it was clear, however, that she is really sickly. 
So, another trip to the Walgreens down the street. We got to walk around find more 'gotta-have' crap that this store is so bad fer.

Upon returning to her creeyib, I settled into a spot on the couch with my girlfriend by my side as Rhianna goes upstairs to make a sleepytime. I figger on staying here until her mawma gits home. I'm not the nursemaid type that her mom is, thankfully (remembering my hospital stay and subsequent recovery), but I am interested in being available for her.

This picture, I must note, was taken by the awesome digital camera that Emily gived me for our one-year anniversary. I have been thinking that I need to start using it, duh, instead of my cell phone camera, which is nice, as far as cell phone cameras go. It's 3 megapixels, which is top end, but this frickin awesome digital camera that has been wasting away in my bag for several months is 10 megapixel, which is also top end for 'digital cameras', and has zoom and other cool features and the memory card does not require an adapter, so it can go straight from the camera to my computer. So, I will be comparing to see the difference. Hopefully, my lack of skills and off-the-hip shooting doesn't compensate for any quality gains. We shall see.

Listening to: The quiet and the steady hum of the air purifier that Butch sent down with me for Shalane.

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