Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chillin with the daughter again

Yeah, I think the difference in the pictures this camera takes is apparent. This morning, since the daughter was out of school again, I decided to go hang out with her so she wasn't a stranded solitary sicko. The sky, as captured much mo betta with this camera, was amazing as it has been every frickin day since I came down here back in July of 2007.
Much mo betta, but still a far cray from the breathtakingness of reality.
Just in time for the train.
Arriving at Shalane's 'hood, yo.
Hells yeah. I was fortunate enough to meet fresh cinnamon rolls and coffee, mmm, nice. 
I hung out with Rhianna all day and chatted with her and then when Neriah came home from school we played chess. It's when I get to feel superior about a game I am mediocre at. I love it. I get to help him develop skills at strategy and feel smart at the same time. Yay.
I accidentally uploaded this one, but eh, what the hell, it's a nice memory and since I don't have a girlfriend to be disrespecting with it, I'll leave it, hmmm, nice memory.

Listening to: The Transporter, an awesome frickin movie.

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