Wednesday, February 11, 2009

35, whooptie-frickin-do

Ok, I'm not feelin like writing the other two entries yet. Neriah and I went to the fair last Friday and yesterday my sister frowed me a birfday party, but those will wait. I'm not feelin it. Ther will only be a few pictures of the tail end of that event because they are a part of today. This first, is my first action of the day. I was going to do something, but dynamic life steered me in a different direction once again. I taked a shower in this awesome shower.
Then, Maria, my seester decided to make some breakfast fer us. I stood in the kitchen bs'n with her for a few until some Eagles crap came on the music cable channel that her and me madre were listening to. Bleh, it was time for me to go sit down back on the back patio.
There's the breakfast-makin ovar. I am good-to-go out here, watching the Westminster dog show and drinking my coffee.
Wow, once again, I am diggin comin down here. She serves me even. This picture, I'm noticing, makes it look like a big mess. It was quite good, though. Bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and of course special jam from Montana and some hot sauce, mmm.
The thing I was going to do eliminated itself from my list of things to do, so it was time to go home. The sky, as usual, was frickin amazing.
From every angle it was just, wow.
I came home and sat for a few in my recliner, kinda tired fer some reason. Rhianna texted me around 1:30, saying hi. So, I said hi, thinking she was in soem kinda break in school. When she told me her brother texted me, I said, 'why aren't you guys at school?' She then told me of their early release and then her bakings. Hmm, after just a few minutes, I thunked it was a good excuse to go hang out with them. I mean, hell, the whole reason I'm even down here is to be around these guys. So, yes, good excuse.
Fresh baked whole grain wheat bread and some cool Valentine's day cookies. She mixing some red food coloring in the sugar cookie dough.
I really wanted a Coke and Shalane had none in the fridge. I started drinking it recently. Just like being a previous dog person, I was also a previos Pepsi person. Since I've cut out all the damn sweet stuff from my diet, I also decided, not too long ago, that Pepsi is too sweet and Coke is more to my liking now. So, anyway, I decided that Neriah and I should run up to Sweetbay to get some Cokes. Then, Rhianna asked if I would see about some gift bags for her Valentine's day goodies. She goes well above and beyond for friends and teachers. I stopped by the cool dollar store up here in the Sweetbay shopping center. There were clear and semitransparent blue over here.
Or these that said kiss me over here, nah. Anyway, I called her after sending the pictures and she remembered the buncha leftover bags she had from last V-day, so she cancelled the bag adventure. Roger. On to the Cokes.
After retrieving the Cokes and installing them in the fridge and two in the freezer for quick chilling, I cooled and sliced the bread that Rhianna made. I used the ice tray from the dispenser in the freezer to cool the pan, so I could try it. Pshaw! I don't have all damn night. So, I sliced the ends off and, since they were just small end pieces, I hadsta eat em, right, mmm, good stuff. Then, I put two pieces for my sammidge makin purposes in a baggie and, since the middle piece ended up kinda thick, I split it for the punk darlings to sample. As Neriah grabbed his to devour it because it was, as he said after tasting a broken piece, the best bread he ever had, Rhianna said, 'no, don't eat that.' She had to bust out the food markers and draw a nice heart on his piece. Aw, that's nice. Don't let that give the impression that she likes her brother, outwardly.
This is what the red food coloring was being mixed with the sugar cookie dough fer. She had plenty more ideas planned, but It's time for me to go, so I'll just get a picture of this one. She cookie cuttered the big one then cookie cuttered a small one out and in, awesome.
On the ride home, the sky was breathtaking as it usually is in the evening especially. As I rode home, with the windows down and the sun roof open, I thanked God for blessing me with this opportunity to experience this frickin awesomeness. It was 74 degrees and the breeze was perfect. Yes, besides every day being a bonus after my accident, if I died tomorrow, after experiencing that moment, I would die content with experiencing ecstasy.

Listening to: She hates  me, by Puddle of Mudd.

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