Saturday, November 8, 2008

The weekend before RPG's birfday

Emily decided to burn some weeds, etc. After I poured some gas on it, I put the can backda shed and turned around as I was heading back to the house because I was initially overwhelmed by the smell of burning cedar (some old logs in there still) and hadta take a picture of the billowing smoke created by the weeds, I guess. It was just starting here, but soon became a gargantuan thing that filled the sky.

I was feeling a bit tired of know-it-allness so I took the kids to Taco Bell. We never really went with Emily, because she doesn't like it. However, that is one of the affinities we share. We love us some Taco Bell. They had already grabbed a buncha sauce packets before I arrived with several more. While we were sitting there, after we had eaten, waiting because the firetruck was parked behind my truck, Neriah made this interesting patterned thing out of the exhorbitant amount of packets we had.

Neriah marveling at his creation. He was actually only two packets short. He had to go grab one and make a trade and finished his creation.

Rhianna played with her new addiction, a cell phone. Some of us had to wait until we were growed up to have that addiction, dammit, grumble, grumble.

As we leaved, the fire truck was still there. Apparently someone gotted hurt back in the kitchen or supm. An ambulance taked them away. This picture is blurry, but I caught it with all the lights flahing on at the same split second moment, cool.

After this, we went across the parking lot to Wally World. Shalane called and asked if I could get Neriah some shoes for the Phantom of the Opera tomorrow night. Shooah. So, after we gots some shoes, we walked around looking at stuff. I looked at a sweet, all black 30-06. Then, I aksed the man at the counter to show us a box of 30-06 rounds so I could show them to the yungins, mostly Neriah. I just wanted to show hime the bigness. We looked at different stuff in between shoes and fishing stuff. They had a wonderful creation. It's a video game, I don't remember the name. It was a drumset that the player could beat on to try and match the rhythm. It wasn't long before I left Neriah to beat on them while I drifted over to something else.

Listening to: the loud, obnoxious, rude, teenage girls that just sat down near me to obliterate my tranquility. Oooh, they left. It's queit again, nothing more than the rustling and mumbling filling the acceptable noise bubble of considerate-libaree-world.

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