Saturday, November 8, 2008

My life dream has evolved

Since Emily breaked up with me, I started thinking about my life dream again, living on a sailboat. Supm has just been feeling not quite right. I was thinking it was that maybe it was because it was not the dream for me. Then, this morning, when I was talking to me madre about our holiday plans, she said supm that made awoke my brainpan to an idea I hadn't really considered. She mentioned the idea of a house boat. I said, hmm, idea. This, of course, would rule out the idea of living in the Gulf of Mexico, which, I think was what didn't feel right. I hadn't allowed myself to consider the idea of living on a lake, but, after really thinking about it, maybe it is the best idea.

I like the idea of being able to visit all the states in the GoM, but I would also be able to go to Mexico, Nicaragua, wherever, which I would likely do. I don't like this idea because of frickin pirates and criminals. I plan to be alone, so I don't think I would be in a position to defend much.

I would rather be in NE GA anyway. That's why I retired there. Lake Lanier and Lake Hartwell are both huge, so I would not be in any kinda cramped space fo sho. I would also feel a bit more comfortable in fresh water. There aren't so many people damagers like sharks and jellyfish. The water's also not quite as corrosive. I would also be where I wanna be, NE GA and, even cooler, near Butch. I would love to be able to hang out with him again. This is still a bit far off in the future since I am down here in purgatory until the kids are growed-up. However, I feel a bit more comfortable about my plan and now have a little more clarity on what to work toward.

The houseboat idea seemed cool for a second, but after a bit of deliberation, I think not. It seems like it might be about the same startup cost, but insurance would likely (I'm assuming) be more and the fuel costs are not attractive to me since it would be a powered vessel. I think I would be happier still on a sailboat, but now I'm thinking up there will be the place.

Listening to: my thoughts pestering me about going to talk to that redhead.

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