Monday, November 24, 2008

Just two today, still not feeling it.

The usual crap, I put these pictures on my computer from my phone, and noticed the 20 or so that I also have for life-tracking blog purposes. Just like the last batch that I still have yet to write about, these, again, will wait. I am only feeling like two today. On a separate note, I thought of supm while in a pleasant thinking beach bum environment. It was done wrong, which is a very big disappointment, ugh, regret hurts. 

Anyway, here is me in my first moments at my sister's new fiance's house. I sat and gazed across the pool, with the Rum and Coke he made me before joining him for an ice run. This is just another opportunity I am thankful for. I feel like such a stoopid speck, yet God continues to bless me far beyond my comprehension. I, once again, got to be in a beach bum paradise.
Yes, it just kept getting better. Holy cow, a full, full I say, bar, yum. She also recently got one of my top-5 favorite cars, a frickin TL. I am now officially jealous of my sister.
This is the reason, most of my pictures were fuzzy, they just matched me. Holy crap, I got more inebriated last night than I have been in a while, whew. 150 proof German schnapps stuff. I was doing just fine until I went ahead and jumped in front of this German semi. 
Like I said, fuzzy. This is Maria blowing out her birhtday candles. I think she's like 83 now or supm.
This was my last foolish idea of the evening before I was down for the count. One more shot, whew. This is why I don't buy liquor-type stuff anymore. I drink too much. It makes me. It's not my fault.

Listening to: That cool gay bar dance music song (I don't remember the name) that's in my iTunes.

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