Thursday, May 21, 2009

I must make it again

Yesterday morning, it was at a good walking point, so Snickers de Mayo and I went for a pee/poop/sniff. The sky was amazing, as usual. It has rained now for a few days non-stop. It is so nice. It cracks me up to hear people complain about the crappy weather. I mean, we are in Florida right? Drought? Have they forgotten where we are, or just being negative people who like to complain about everything and wonder why there is so much negative in their lives? Anyway, so here I am on the whatever day, I dunno, they're all Sunday to me, sitting in my recliner on the porch as it rains ever so gently and the breeze caresses my cheek as Jimi caresses my ears, writing about life and thinking I need to finish a book, dammit.
Yesterday, I decided it was time to make that awesome chili again. Wait, supm's wrong...
Aaaah, that's better. Not so much emptiness. That's kinda depressing. Well, the coffee cup with the tea bag still in it, will remain empty. Damn, this Bud Light Lime is so good. I don't normally buy it because I usually buy the much cheaper, stronger Icehouse. However, it was on sale for way cheap, just barely more than Icehouse, so, well, I was compelled to partake. I was turned on to it by...Emily's (my ex-gf) Brother-in-law's cousin-in-law. Whew, that's a good one. Anyway, when Emily and I went up to the beach bum paradise in North Cackalacky for her sister's wedding, there was much beer to be sampled by a full-time beach bum. Then, I was introduced to this stuff that apparently replaced Tequiza, which I never tried, so it really meant nothing to me. However, this was damn good beer. It was like a Corona with a lime without the actual lime slice. Mmmm, they is good, and like Corona, go down so damn quickly.
Ooh, done, this stuff is so good.
I tried to make a nice presentation for a picture, but it is still just eh. You can hardly see that it's over brown rice with broccoli. Now, it's time to forget presentation and add some juice and hot sauce and eat it, mmm.

Listening to: Queer, by Garbage and the incessant nagging of my little inner voice telling me to finish this damn book.

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