Saturday, September 5, 2009

Slow-start video game morning

Oh crap. I almost forgot. My new format, highlights/headings:

  • The same ol' mundane.
  • The tripod pictures.
  • Slow-start video game morning.
  • Planning to acquire new engines and launch a rocket.
The same ol' mundane.

There are, of course, the usual assortment of mundane sky pictures that I am amazed by and thankful for every day, the sky, ---damn, my dog stinks. I need to give her a bath before we leave.---being able to take pictures of it, being able to upload those pictures so easily and have access to them on my computer, being able to write, being able to write a blog about my mundane sky pictures and---OMfrickinG, she needs a bath.---being able to see the sky in the first damn place.

The tripod pictures.

I got a wild hair to use this tripod and take a picture of Neriah and I. I forgot that I had my camera set on 3 pictures at a time. I was wondering why it kept click-click-clicking. After uploading the pictures, I see. It's kinda funny when I viewed them. I actually haven't watched this video yet, so I don't know if it was as funny. I was going to just take one or two of them, but together they were funny, so I just stuck 'em all in there. One set showed us both looking at the detestable ice cream truck as its obnoxiousness drove by, nice and slow, of course.

Ok, I just watched it. It's far from amazing, but it's funny to me, so eh.

Slow-start video game morning.

I have spent most of the morning watching Neriah play video games. I had a yummy bagel and a cup of tea and now am about to go take the best girlfriend for a pee, poop, sniff so I can give her a bath. Holy crap, she stinks. I dunno why. She doesn't run loose outside anywhere. She didn't roll in anything this morning. I guess her running around earlier when I was playing with her accentuated the fact that it's been a couple weeks since I did last.

Planning to acquire new engines and launch a rocket.

So, I guess I will go walk. I plan to give her a bath when we get back before Neriah and I plan to go get some replacement engines for a rocket that is anxious to get a raise. I have lost my desire to right. So, Good day. I said Goodday!

Listening to: supm else I am so thankful for, my iPod playing Ain't no fun waitin' round to be a millionaire, by AC/DC.

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