Friday, September 11, 2009

I don't feel like going out to the car to gits my camera.

So, I'll just use an old picture. I'm sitting over here at Shalane's doing my Friday laundry a bit early. Neriah tried to be sickly even though he's not allowed. Fortunately, it was just a momentary digestive discomfort, complete with puking out of both ends. This was actually the rare day when I was actually in bed at 10:20. Ok, so a reason to get motivated a bit earlier than my lazy arse was ready to. I am just glad that it was over quickly. It was a good excuse for him to scam outta school and enjoy a Friday of video gaming. I guess, if I was a mom, I might manage the situation differently, but, eh.

Hopefully, the guy will call soon and I can go pick up Shalane's computer, so Neriah and I can have the gaming computer back. Hopefully, Rhianna's computer will be prop'ly exracted, so I can pick up the disk of her saved docs, etc. I dropped it off while the other one was being revived. She decided she didn't like her laptop, so she stepped on it and broke the h*** out of the screen. Supm was broked good 'cause I was unable to use an external monitor so I could get her vital files off thar. So, the computer guy said he could do it and put it on a disk for a nominal fee.

Ok, you guessed right. I usually use an old picture when I don't feel like getting my camera out of the car because I have thunks that I am compelled to write about. So, what the h*** are my thunks? Ok, I'll tell ya'. Get off my back, geez!

I am an affection junky, an often professed fact. This has historically made me rush things and force my foolish 'physical' will. Sex, of course, being the primary relationship killer of choice. It is so nice. If you are trying to form any significant relationship, however, the 'physical' focus seriously clouds your mind and subjugates the other two parts of the triune of mind, body, spirit.

Ok, so? Why is this significant? I recently met someone that is the first person in a long time that has been interesting to me, very interesting. My concern is, being rushed by my affection junky-ness. Now, this is not just a desire for sex. That is nice, indeed, however it is just the affection in general that appeals to me, every bit as much, or more even, the kissing, hugging, looking at each other, feeling the skin on her fingers, walking hand-in-hand, sitting and talking and enjoying each other's company even if you aren't talking.

So, I don't have an interest in 'playing the field', but I'm thinking maybe I need to throttle back and not rush to fulfill my desire for love and affection. I have also included sex, but I have rushed into every relationship, ever. I don't wish to do that anymore, especially since I am finally considering other concerns, such as the kids' college and how I can best use my skills and abilities to better the world around me.

Ok, I am done writing. I think I is gonna go check on my laundry.

Listening to: Ride on, by AC/DC.

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