Monday, June 8, 2009

I will write later, I'm going to make a sleepytime now.

I took a ride with Butch over to a relative's house. We, of course, because we could, took the El Camino. Damn, this car is a frickin beast, 500hp of pure joy. We, of course, obeyed all traffic laws and did nothing untaught. ;-)
Standing at the end of the driveway while Butch talked some life words with someone, I looked around and enjoyed the very country-ish pictures to be had. I loved this big ol' mailbox. And, ya know, I don't know what it is, but I hate the repitious nonsense that is all too often the majority of 'pop' music, yet I frickin love dance/house/club music.
...another view...
As I assumed one of my favorite positions, on the porch, in my beach chair. That's a pretty sweet truck. It made me consider having a truck again. However, I am really digging the curve-hugging, zippy little coupe that gets in excess of 30 mpg. I frickin love that car. I am so thankful that this life experience has aligned in such a way that I was able to have it.
Cousin Art let me borrow this Newsweek to read this article about Saturn. Good stuff. It was an awesome company, just like GM, just like the frickin Wolverines, taking down the toilet by bad management.
I enjoyed some afternoon minutes, shaded from the 94 degree sun of death, in my favorite position.
The next morning, I got up, said hi to GiGi who was readying for a work departure, and assumed the position on the porch with a coffee.
Damn, that morning sun blasts right in yer face on the front porch. I moved the beach chair right in front of the porch under a nice tree providing some shade for a few.
Ahhh, yeah, much better.
Butch and GiGi had some bidniz to take care of in town, which required the use of the truck, so we taked it. GiGi, at the proper time, said that it was time to gits our grub on, yo. Since they, of course, were aware of my intense fondness of Bell's, we went there, yay.
Yeah, so she'll prolly want to do bad things to me after seeing this picture, which caught her in one of those contorted-face moments, but I don't do posed pictures, so such is my lot in life and anyone in the view of my camera, hehe.

I really have no use for those menu things here. Every time I get the same thing. An opportunity to have the best burger in the world cannot be missed. It's kinda funny, actually, Butch gets the same thing, too, yet still opens the menu to look. Ok, force of habit. I open the damn menu, too, for a second, before I say, 'what the hell am I doing?'
Wow, a glorious backdrop for one of my favorite signs. I love this place.
Today is the big day. Hadta hannel sum bidniz down in Athens. I arrived nice and early, the way I like to for most important things, so I had some minutes to spend downtown, drinking a coffee and watching my favorite people, Athenians.
This is a really cool Starbucks.
I love downtown Athens.
Frickin awesome.
Heading back up to Toccoa was an exciting, twisty-filled experience, as always.
This farm is beautiful, but I've always thought it looked like a lot of work to keep the massive, forty acre or so, front yard mowed, without grass chompers out there, whew. It sure is nice to look at, though.

Listening to: Rock and Roll, by Led Zeppelin.

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