Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FL is nice, but still second to NE GA

I gathered up some things and departed. I wanted to bring Snickers, I almost left with her as a mattafack, but fortunately I remembered just before I left, she has a vet appointment for a heartworm treatment next week. So, she gets to stay with my mom, who loves her anyway. Hell, I don't see how anyone could not love her.

The trip up here was nice as it usually is.
Ooh, cool, an old Monte Carlo.
Hadta stop at one of my favorite signs. What a face...
There was supm going on, I don't remember what, an accident or something. The traffic just stopped and averaged around 10 mph, so subsequently, the breeze I had been enjoying, which made the 90+ degrees not so bad, stopped. uuuugh, 94, 95, 96, ok a bit too much, time for some A/C. I used it for about 10 or 15 minutes, then once the traffic passed the bottleneck and flowed again, so did the breeze.
I got lost in my thunks, so I didn't even take any dern pictures of the hilly, mountainous part of 85 on my way up here. It is so amazing. I have marveled at how the sky is always so breathtaking down in FL, but while there is less sky up here, it is because there are so many trees and hills. I love the green and the curves a bit more. This road, the home stretch, is a primo example of one of the things I love up here. It is 55 mph and full of hills and curves.
I arrived at just the right time, the sun was going down.
oh, the twisties, frickin bliss.
...and on and on...
The next morning, Butch wasn't feeling too good and I had an hour before I hadta run down to Athens, so I invited Dori, the ex-sister-in-law to my favorite place, in the world, repeat, the world. I was quite dismayed to find out she doesn't like burgers. Aaaagh! "Thas'so'k, I make lamb." Sorry, a quote from one of my favoritest movies popped into my head. Anyway, whuh-evah. She had shrimp and I had the best burger in the world. It was kinda nice to have company. The last few times I've come to Bell's, I came alone, which really doesn't impair my enjoyment, but, ya know.

We talked about her college, and subsequently life, plans and possibilities. She is a young whippersnapper ;-), 21 and she isn't looking forward to finishing school and entering this job market. I sure don't blame her. We talked about various things and I gots the idea that maybe a friend I was planning to see down in Athens after my bidniz might be able to assist her career searching. He works in a field that is related to her degree, which is very valuable, regardless of the job-market, economy, etc.
Oooooh, there was a sweet 60 supm Chevelle to oogle on the way in.
I dropped her off back at the house and made my way down to Athens. Another opportunity to ride the twisties ride. Woot!
Damn, I love this road.
After my bidniz, I went to see my frayins, Claudio and Tham. Again, I failed to take many pictures. Tham, pictured here, is from Vietnam. Claudio, who I failed to picturize is from Argentina. They make an interesting couple for a food lover, such as myself. I always love going to their home. There is always something amazing for my belly. This time, she invited me to come have dinner, she was making lasagna. Mmmm, as usual, it was good.
140 pounds. Holy crap! I've never seen a dog this big. Its paws were like a bear cub's. This dog belongs to their son and his wife. I was reminded of how long it's been. She said on the phone, before I came, that I could meet her grandson. Huh! From who?! Esteban, the oldest, I think, now has this son that is coming up on a year old. Whoa. Time flies, mang. Another reminder of how I failed to take pictures.
The ride back was, once again, at the perfect time for sunset.
I was thinking the other day, as I was walking around the lake downtown, marveling at the sky, how all the negative experiences in my life were washed away in this one moment, being able to experience such awesomeness. Well, here I am again, feeling the same way. Any negative experience I've had has been blotted out by this opportunity, this experience.
Oh, the twisties, they never become less awesome.
Ooh, my favorite roadsign.
Oooh, my other favorite.

Listening to: The A/C kick on.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Okay, I can see the bliss you speak of. Georgia looks like a beautiful part of this country. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself down there.