Monday, August 11, 2008

This dynamic life means always adapting (pt. 2)

So, there I was, worn out from the non-stop activities of moving and preparing the HPF for horsey arrival. I laid on the daybed and read fer a few and then I passed out. Sleeping soundly enough to be completely oblivious to how I was being victimized.
When she picked up my feet I was coherent enough to feel them being laid on her lap.
This is how they look now, days later. Whu-evah, I haven't cared enough to remove it. I think I may just let Emily remove it, though. The housewarming we had required me to be barefoot. I made sure to explain to the new neighbors that this was victimization.
We, Rhianna and I, anxiously awaited the start of The Puppy Games on Animal Planet. We watched a few minutes, about a half hour actually, until we tired of it. It was cute and entertaining for a short time. Then, it just became the same pointless, puppies shuffling around doing whatever. That's great for a toilet paper commercial or something, but gets old fast.
Bette Davis was, uncat-like as she is often, contorted in this twisted mass on her back in Neriah's arms. It was quite the sight. She never ceases to amaze me by how affectionate and 'rub my belly' she is, very unusual among the cats I've known.

Like I said in the first part of this post, my camera on my phone is being stoopid so I have gotten hardly any, just the few you see here, of the life-tracking documentary pictures that I normally like to. So, undocumented was the move, the new HPF and it's related challenges and joys, and the really awesome event that happened after the housewarming the other day. I had a few beers, socializing with the peeps and then I decided to join the kids in the pool. Well, apparently I waited too long. Very shortly after I got in, the kids left with the ex-wife-creature. Then, Emily, being the vampire that she is, got her fill of the sun after the usual twenty minutes or so and I was alone. I would have left, too, but the pool was too nice and relaxing. So, I grabbed all three pool noodles. I put two under my shoulders and one under my ankles and fell into a deep slumber. I think, not sure, that Emily and my mom only let me sleep for about thirty minutes before their paranoia took over and Emily came to rouse me by splashing water in my face. It was frickin amazing, though. Before, I fell asleep, I looked at the clouds above, all fluffy and slow-moving. As I drifted around very slowly, the tree back thar would enter the picture.

I must stop now. I hasta pee and the dishwasher has stopped so I needsta empty it and then my mom's coming over to have me look at her truck because the window motor decided to quit working and it's half way up. This is a considerable danger down here because it rains every frickin day.

Listening to: still the Direct TV channel called Chill.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is just too funny! Gonna let your Navy buds see those toes? Way to go Emily! Love the new plce, it is beautiful