Monday, August 11, 2008

This dynamic life means always adapting

Ok, I guess I needta make another entry because I can only do five pictures on each one. whu-evah. These are in no real order 'cause I don't remember when they happened. There has been a delay in my posting them because I hadta use Emily's phone, because mine is being frickin stoopid. This is very frustrating because I like to take random life-tracking documentary pictures. Lately, I have been unable to, which really sucks because we have moved to the Half Pirouette Farm and have experienced lots of life. Anyfrickinway.

My mom came to visit, which is an easy deal now since she moved to the old, retired capital of the world, Sarasota. Since her truck, my old/new truck, tows much better than the new/old truck, she let me borrow it to go get the other two horseys. I was quickly reminded of how I frickin love that truck. It is truly my favorite vehicle of all the ones I've had, and I's had prolly 15 or so, old and new, cheap and expensive. Beyond that, I've borrowed or driven many others, thanks to knowing the number one fixer in the country, Chevys, BMWs, Dodges, Mitsubishis, Pontiac, Ford, a 500 hp El Camino (uuuuuuuuh), and on and on.

Jordan, of course, came to say hi. Man, he's so big now, he's dog-size.
A family of chickens strolled by. Pepe has growed the little baby ones hisself, kinda neat.
The trailer we borrowed from Pepe to take the horses home. I parked it and moved the truck back ov'ar. Now I wanted to go see the new Paint, the epitome of my kinda horse.
The chickens were having a meeting. I think they were planning some kinda overthrow.

Listening to: The Direct TV channel called Chill.


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