Tuesday, July 31, 2007

God is awesome

Yeah, I imagine with that title for this entry, I have precluded the reading of this entry by most peeps. Such is life. I really write this crap for me anyway.

I don't write as much anymore. I have been using the computer at the library for internet access and half the time, I just don't feel like it. My roommate said he could get an outlet installed in my room at no cost to him and the connection is included in my rent, which is a big plus, but I would still have to buy a modem. So, eh. I like this library anyway. When I'm done on the computer, I sit in a comfy chair over there and read. Besides, this way, I have to have a bit more focus. I don't just waste time on the computer like I did at home.

I am finding more and more lately that I have been limiting God's blessings in my life by trying to control too much. I am constantly reminded of how God's awesome will works so perfectly and I get blessed far beyond my comprehension. I can see the perfection because, due to God's slower timing, I have had a chance to think about how I want to do things. Then, when I come up with what seems to be an ok plan fer me, God's awesome plan unfolds and everything just seems to fall into place and not only do the things that I stress about work out but also things I didn't even consider.

I am getting sleepy being on here. Today is a lazy day. I talked to a friend on the phone last night until 2 so I sleeped until noon today. It's been a while since I slept that late. It felt good. It has been rainy today so it just seems to be the perfect day fer it. I think I go read now.

Listening to: A cute little Asian boy whispering to the one who seems to be his older brother.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Always write as if no one is reading... You get the real stuff that way.

And just so you know, I enjoy reading your entries where you discuss God and faith. It helps me understand my own beliefs and that's a really cool thing to share with anyone... Even a complete stranger.

Keep writing when you can... I look forward to the reading.