Sunday, July 15, 2007

The first post in the new land

It has been a while since I posted in here. I have been using the computer at the library, so it took a while for me to adapt. My new roommate has a computer with internet but I don't want to use his computer. I could get an internet connection for my computer, but this library is awesome and close. I am also trying to make some changes in my life, one of which is living without the constant internet availability. Just like my new concerted speech makes me think before I speak, going to the library makes me think before I connect.

One of the other awesome changes is not drinking every day. I have no problem being a drunk. However, I have been holding steady at a two-pack for over a year now. I did 150 crunches the other day and I am actually seeing some improvement. My dream of the six-pack abs may actually heppen, now. The reason I ain't be drinkin every day now is because my new roommate goes to ALANON meetings. So, since I have to go elsewhere to drink, I often don't bother.

I weighed myself and, this morning. I was at 166. 40 pounds less than my post-hospital weight. I always wanted to be over 200. The only way I could get there was to be a fat, lazy bum in the hospital. As soon as I got active again, bam, it fell off and I'm back to fluctuating around my standard weight of 174, which I was before the accident. The sad thing is, I spent an extra $50 a month on supplements and ate 5,000 calories a day, trying to be over 200. Now, I work out a fraction of the amount I did and eat one meal a day to acheive the same weight and muscle-tone even. If I get the six-pack, I'll actually be in better shape than I was.

I'm gonna go read now. I'm tired of lookin at this thing.

Listening to: the clicking of many keyboards around me.

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