Friday, October 26, 2007


I just took a shower after getting my hairs cut by Emily and I hadta fall onto my bed and rest fer a minute because the dogs threatened me. Besides, the fear they instilled in me, I was already tired from mucking stalls at the barn yesterday. Then, this morning, I decided to start painting the table on the back porch.

Anyway, as I was laying on my bed, not quite sleeping, just resting, I was given enlightenment. This is why I believe that, regardless of yer religious affiliation, introspection and meditation are the two most important practices for our lives as humans. I was thinking about one of many times, not too long ago, in which I was blessed by God far beyond my comprehension.

Here's the enlightenment part, our usual response, as a human, would be to recall what 'we' did to make it happen. I imagined an awesome analogy, or parable, I guess. Rats in a maze are trained to push a button or a lever or something to get food when they see a light. So, they know that when there is a light, they can get food. Peeps do the same thing but a bit more arrogant. We see a light and get some food, so we try to figger out what 'we' did to trigger the light, not even considering the scientist who is turning the light on and off.

The number in a phone book or the friend's recommendation or walking into a situation at just the right time has nothing to do with 'our' input. It could be anything. How God chooses to make something happen is perfectly fit to the situation. The awesome thing is, no matter how arrogant we are, or how doubtful we are, He is still working and He will still bless us regardless of our choices. What seems to be crystal clear to me is that, while our own foolishness may not stop God's plan, it can get in the way and send our bowling ball down the lane like there are gutter guards. The ball bounces back and forth all the way. It is going to get to the same damm destination. It just has a harder time of it.

Listening to: Over, by Portishead.

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