Sunday, September 30, 2007

Same ol' shite

I'm tard. We just got back from Target and Home Depot. I used what little energies I had to do that minimal shopping. Oh yeah, we went through a furniture store, too. I was mostly just lounging on furniture so we hadsta leave.

These beers is going down so nice. They is finishing off my day nicely. I actually am about to go eat some fishsticks dat I jus made, with Emily. She spoils me with lots of home-cooked goodness, but today she is feeling exhausted like me so, fortunately, she can eat like crap at times like this.

Ok, I go now.

Listening to: Blue Sky, by The Allman Brothers

1 comment:

MJtt said...

Ok, apparently the option to edit these posts is gone. I need to add my two cents about this picture, though, since I fergitted.

I took this picture at the beach. Emily, Lee, Marci, and I went to Anna Maria island. There was a wedding right there as the sun was setting. It was beautiful. Tux, Dress, and bare feet. If I ever do it again, that's how I want to do it.