Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm tired, nothing new

It's not exactly a news flash that I'm tired. I guess I can just make note of why this time, since I actually have reason this time. I took the kids to the fair the other day. It was quite cool until all the stoopids showed up. We had to leave about 3:30. We had been there since around 11 supm, so we did plenty. I got them armbands so they could ride as much as they wanted. As I said, it was cool until the stoopids showed up and it was just no fun anymore.

It was like going to that store, the one that caters to low-rent knuckleheads and the handicap spots are always full. You know, the one that, like the Nazis stole the swastika, which was originally a symbol for brotherhood, they stole the happy face, so now, you can't look at a happy face or a swastika without thinking about idiots.

Anyway, we had much fun and, subsequently, I was left with lower back pain and much fatigue. This fatigue, however, is so constant that I don't bother trying to preemptively control it. I just go until I must stop. Kinda like before, I just do a lot less and get tired a lot more.

Ok, I am done writing.

Listening to: the creaking of Neriah's chair as he does his homework.

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