Thursday, June 19, 2008

my posts are few and far between nowadays.

I decided this morning that I hadta clean. I have been really tired the past few days and it was starting to show. Actually, it was a few days past starting to show. So, I did some laundry, the dishes, and a few other things. I am resting at the brainsucker now before folding a couple loads of laundry. I thought this might be a good time to (b)log something that I thought of while rearranging the fridge a bit. It's kind of a big deal for a beach bum like myself. I quit drinking. It lasted about 3 days, actually, but now I don't drink every day like I have. I just drink every once in a while. It actually wasn't the big deal that one would expect. This doesn't surprise me actually after my weaning from caffeine.

When I was in the hospital from the 'slowing down', I went for a few months with only what I was given, usually water and lotsa morphine. When I was able to select my choice of beverages again, I drank coffee and Pepsi when I could. What I quickly found, though, was that caffeine really doesn't do anything for me anymore. I just drank/drink them for the taste, which is why now I drink caffeine free Pepsi and decaf coffee because they actually taste the same. I just figgered there's no point in adding another chemical to my body when it doesn't do anything but get processed out as a toxin anyway. Caffeine has no affect on the flavor. When you go 'diet' then there's a big difference because they use artificial sweeteners, so it, in my opinion, tastes like crap.

So, obviously, the extreme circumstances made my weaning experience not that bad, so no caffeine withdrawal headaches. Now, however, it wasn't extreme circumstances that helped me wean from beers. I just decided it was too expensive and it slowed me down too much. What I have come to decide is that once in a while, it is a nice deep breath. But, like caffeine, I don't 'need' it. I am comfortable with the idea of thinking now without running away.

Listening to: Throes of Rejection, by Pantera.

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